Appointments are available in person, via phone, or via video teleconference.
In-person appointments can be in my Colorado Springs office (or, if needed in special circumstances, in a setting of your choice).
I offer a form of somatic psychotherapy that can include movement as well, including on a hiking or exercise trail. We are fortunate to have many opportunities for walk-and-talk appointments.
Free parking is available.
I work on a sliding fee scale of $60-120 per hour. I ask that you consider paying .001% of your annual gross income for each session with a minimum of $60/session. An example of this is if you make a $60,000 gross annual income, you would pay $60/session. If you make less than $60,000 gross annual income, please consult with me.
Coaching Packages
If you are interested in a coaching relationship, contact me to see about session packages.
If you are interested in a Small Support Group, please see our Special Events, Classes, and Groups page under Services. Contact me to register or get on a waitlist. Any small group topic can be delivered to an individual client or a couplet or group of your design.
